The Toro Blower Vac 51599 is a great gardening tool to have in your shed. I've written this article to show how unfortunately, even we ladies have no excuses now. And, you can save money in the bargain when you buy it!
It's that time of year again and the leaves have fallen. I'm a spring lover myself, when everything's budding and fresh. The nights are lighter and there's the promise of the summer to come. This is not my time of year. I scurry into the house each evening, vainly attempting to ignore the cold, the fallen leaves and the spider fraternity who just don't understand the concept of them or me!
But this year, at least I know the leaf clear up isn't going to be a problem. This is not our first year with the Toro 51599, and if you read on I'll show how you can find a great price on it. But first I want to share a few other ways it's made our lives easier, and it will yours too.
How my husband got his wife into the garden clearing leaves
My hubby usually did all the garden clear up and he didn't mind all that gas and oil fuel mess. I on the other hand hated it. And it stinks so bad! I'd get a headache from those fumes before even 30 minutes had passed! Now we've got the Toro 51599 there's no fuelling. I just plug it in and go!
Our old gas blower was pretty heavy. My hubby didn't mind that either, but I'm only 5'2", and to go with my headache, my right arm would feel ready to fall off. I'd end up swapping arms just to even up the ache! Now the Toro only weighs 7.5 pounds. What a relief! I'm no softie, but I'll tell you having a lighter tool makes a big difference to how long clearing those leaves takes - and how much moaning and groaning follows!
Gas blowers are so loud. I still wear ear defenders even with the Toro, but it's nowhere near as loud as the old gas blower. My hubby used to start clearing fallen leaves early Sunday morning and the neighbours must have hated him. I was so embarrassed. Now we share the task, so he doesn't start so early and the neighbours get a more peaceful weekend lay in.
So ladies, unfortunately there's no excuse anymore. Unless of course your hubby won't get rid of his gas blower. Then I'm behind you all the way!
Save money straight away by finding a great deal on your Toro Blower Vac 51599
A good way to get a great local deal is to search Google for sales at local garden stores. However there are many stores that sell them online. Some offer coupons or discounts and some will even throw in free shipping. Search Google for "Toro Blower Vac 51599" and look through the results. Or, if you want to save time and still find a great deal, take advantage of somebody who's already done the searching for you.